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Office of Response

The Office of Response coordinates public health and healthcare response systems and activities with relevant federal, state, local, tribal, territorial, and international communities under the National Response Framework and Emergency Support Annexes #8, #6, and #14.

The Office of Response provides oversight and guidance to the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) and supports localized management of the federal public health and medical response through the Federal Health Coordinating Official. In addition, the Office of Response serves as an important liaison function to other agencies engaged in federal response activities. 

The Off​​ice of Response includes the following components: the Office of Regional Response; the Office of Response Logistics; the Office of National Disaster Medical System (NDMS); and the Office of Community Mitigation and Recovery.

NDMS Responders in Action


By the Numbers

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4,000+ NDMS Responders

serving in units across the country

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100,000+ COVID-19 Vaccines

administered by NDMS responders during the first 18 month of the COVID-19 pandemic

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10 Regions

ASPR's Regional Emergency Coordinators serve all 10 regions, including all 50 state, U.S. territories, and DC ​