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COVID-19 Response: NDMS Nurses Share Field Experince During Mass Vaccination Efforts

Alternative Text for Time-Based Media

The following is a text alternative description for the COVID-19 Response: NDMS Nurses Share Field Experiences during Mass Vaccination Efforts.

[The video features excerpts from two Nurse Practitioners, Donna Barry and Kristen Smith, who are working in the field as part of the National Disaster Medical System response team at a mass vaccination center.]

Donna Barry, Nurse Practitioner: Everyone that I have taken care of and vaccinated so far has been so incredibly grateful to have he opportunity to receive the vaccine. And because they have been so fearful of getting COVID, I've had individuals say to me, "Thank you. This is going to give me the opportunity to see my grandchildren again." And, this is a very different mission and a very rewarding one.

Kristen Smith, Nurse Practitioner: I've been out with HHS. This my, I believe, tenth time out. And generally, this the first mission we've had where we haven't worked in the hospital environment with COVID patients in the ICU, ER. So, this is the first time we've actually been on the other side of the health spectrum of people that are not acutely ill.

[The video concludes with a non-descript background followed by the ASPR logo, the tagline "Saving Lives. Protecting Americans." The video is produced at U.S. taxpayer expense.]