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Evaluation and Performance Measures:
3.0 Preparedness Plan Measures

Hospital Association COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Cooperative Agreement (Updated June 2023)

Operational Intent:
These performance measures examine how activities have been implemented to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Update and/or train staff to implement COVID-19 pandemic or emergency preparedness plans at the sub-recipient level

3.1 Required Preparedness Plan Measures

Program Performance Measure
Data Point
Data Entity and Timing
PM 7: Number of hospital association-provided trainings on implementing COVID-19 pandemic or emergency preparedness plans, utilizing Hospital Association COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Cooperative Agreement funding How many COVID-19-specific trainings (trainings on implementing COVID-19 pandemic or emergency preparedness plans) did your hospital association support using Hospital Association COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Cooperative Agreement funds (directly rather than through funding sub-recipients), between April 10, 2022 and April 9, 2023?
Hospital association

(collected at middle of project year and end of project year)

PM 8: Number of sub- recipient-supported trainings on implementing COVID-19 pandemic or emergency preparedness plans utilizing Hospital Association COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Cooperative Agreement funding
How many COVID-19-specific trainings did your facility or organization support using Hospital Association COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Cooperative Agreement funds provided by your hospital Association, between April 10, 2022 and April 9, 2023?

(collected at middle of project year and end of project year)

PM 9: Number of sub- recipients that updated preparedness plans to include pandemic or COVID-19 preparedness activities with Hospital Association COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Cooperative Agreement funding
Did your facility or organization update preparedness plans to include pandemic or COVID-19 preparedness activities using Hospital Association COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Cooperative Agreement funds provided by your hospital association?
(collected at middle of project year and end of project year)