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ASPR Health Equity Fact Sheet

The mission of the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) is to assist the country in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from public health emergencies and disasters. At-risk individuals and underserved communities are more likely to experience more severe and prolonged impacts than other communities. To be prepared for and able to respond to and recover from emergencies, every person in each community must be accounted for in our national resilience efforts. 

Health equity is at the core of ASPR’s Strategic Plan. The plan builds on the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to advance racial equity and support underserved communities through the federal government, as described in Executive Orders 13985 and 14091.

Healthy People 2030 defines health equity as the attainment of the highest level of health for all people. Achieving health equity requires valuing everyone equally with focused and ongoing societal efforts to address avoidable inequalities, historical and contemporary injustices, and the elimination of health and health care disparities.

ASPR’s health equity goal is to improve equitable access to and delivery of ASPR services to all members of our communities by making health equity integral to ASPR’s organizational readiness and external preparedness, response, and recovery activities. Each of ASPR’s offices has a role in achieving that health equity goal. ASPR’s offices, and the programs they oversee, are advised by an internal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leadership Council and Climate and Equity Policy Hub on how to integrate health equity into ASPR’s policies and operations.

  • Identifies opportunities to help healthcare partners nationwide advance health equity through the Hospital Preparedness Program cooperative agreements.

    Impact: Improves the capacity of health care systems in all 50 states, 8 territories, freely associated states, and four metropolitan areas to plan for and respond to large-scale public health emergencies and disasters increasing community resilience nationwide.
    MRC Voluteers at a response facility  
  • Awards $50 million in grants to Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) units across the country to support community emergency preparedness and response activities.

    Impact: Provides funding to the MRC network in 33 states and jurisdictions to strengthen emergency preparedness and response with a focus on addressing health equity. This includes the establishment of new MRC units in tribal jurisdictions that can address the unique needs of the diverse communities and at-risk populations they serve.
  • Utilizes the emPOWER Program to provide data, mapping, tools, training, and resources to help communities nationwide protect the health of at-risk Medicare beneficiaries prior to, during and after public health emergencies and disasters.

    Impact: Allows communities across the nation access to data and tools to protect the health of 4.5 million individuals who live independently and rely on electricity-dependent durable medical and assistive equipment and devices.
  • Oversees the three national advisory committees that provide recommendations to ASPR and HHS on meeting the unique needs of seniors, children, and people with disabilities during disasters and public health emergencies. 

    Impact: Drives change across the nation by identifying the unique needs of children, older adults, and individuals with disabilities who are affected by a public health emergency or disaster.​
  • Provides technical assistance to healthcare, public health, and emergency management professionals to enhance health equity through ASPR’s Technical Assistance, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (ASPR TRACIE).  ASPR TRACIE has developed peer-reviewed resources to help professionals address healthcare disparities, the needs of individuals with access and functional needs, and issues in providing support to the LGBTQIA+ community during and after disasters.

    Impact: There have been more than 2 million website visits to ASPR TRACIE since its inception in 2015 and developed more than 500 resources geared towards supporting health care and public health stakeholders who serve diverse communities across the nation.