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Become a Part of the Expanded COVID-19 Vaccine Workforce

As hundreds of millions more vaccine doses are manufactured and distributed throughout the country, the federal government is providing a pathway for states and territories to expand and support their vaccination workforce if needed. To become a part of the expanded COVID-19 vaccine workforce, you will need to complete the required training and register with your state or territory of residence through the Emergency System for the Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP).

ESAR-VHP verifies health professionals' identification and credentials so that they can respond more quickly when disaster strikes. By registering through ESAR-VHP, volunteers' identities, licenses, credentials, accreditations, and hospital privileges are all verified in advance.

State and territorial health agencies will determine how to best use available COVID-19 vaccinators to help their communities. Some vaccinators may not be called to serve, but by registering you are making the commitment to help the people in your community if they need you. You could even administer a dose of vaccine that saves someone’s life.

Qualified persons are protected from liability through the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act if they vaccinate in their state or territory as part of the state or territory's response and meet criteria stated in the declaration. Should someone be injured during or by the vaccination, except in cases of willful misconduct, qualified persons have liability immunity from lawsuits resulting from that injury and injured individuals may seek compensation, as available, under the Countermeasure Injury Compensation Program.

Connect with Your State or Territory’s ESAR-VHP Program:
