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Disposal of Expired TPOXX

TPOXX (Tecovirimat) Operational Planning Guide — Information for Providing Therapeutics for Persons with Mpox

  • At this time, there are no anticipated expiry date extensions for oral TPOXX. Some lots of oral TPOXX began expiring in March 2023. Once oral TPOXX reaches its expiration date, jurisdictions may dispose of the product using their own established protocols for disposal. Information on safe disposal of medicines is available on the  FDA website
    • Jurisdictions are expected to maintain records of lot numbers and quantities of products that are destroyed. Wastage records should be entered into HPOP. 
    • While there are currently no anticipated dating extensions for oral TPOXX, jurisdictions are free to hold expired product in quarantine if they choose to do so.  
  • At this time, there are no additional shelf-life extensions expected for IV TPOXX. Once expired, providers may dispose of the product following established protocols. However, jurisdictions are free to hold expired IV TPOXX in quarantine if they choose to do so.