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Institutional Oversight Policy Stakeholder Workshop

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop on the U.S. Government Policy for Institutional Oversight of Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern

S3: Science Safety Security

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Institutes of Health co-hosted a public workshop on July 22, 2015, for interested stakeholders to discuss implementation of the U.S. Government Policy for Institutional Oversight of Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern. The purpose of the meeting was to inform and engage stakeholders; to collect feedback about resources needed to effectively implement the policy; and to discuss stakeholder experiences, challenges, and innovative practices. The Policy was also released as Federal Register Document 2014-22770.

The workshop was well attended by both domestic and international stakeholders from all levels of institutional DURC oversight. Nearly 200 individuals participated in person and on the webcast. The diverse group of participants facilitated a broad and thorough discussion of the Institutional DURC policy. An open dialogue between institutional stakeholders and the USG will continue as the Policy is implemented. The USG will continue soliciting feedback on the experience of institutions in implementing the Policy; evaluating the impact of DURC oversight on the life sciences research enterprise; assessing the advantages and disadvantages of expanding the scope of the Policy to encompass additional agents and toxins and/or categories of experiments; and updating the Policy, as warranted.

Workshop Materials

The workshop included an interactive case study that illustrated factors investigators and institutions consider when determining whether research is subject to the Policy. A series of panels comprised of institutional representatives shared their respective approaches to identifying research subject to the Policy, developing risk mitigation plans, and raising awareness and education about DURC. Finally, facilitators opened the forum for participants to share their input on issues relating to interpretation and implementation of the Policy.

Overview Materials

Case Study Materials

Case Study Moderator Tools

Speaker Presentations

For Additional Information

Please contact the USG at with any additional questions or input.