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Readiness Checklist

ASPR/CDC Mpox Vaccination Operational Planning Guide - HHS Mpox Vaccination Program

The following checklists are to facilitate jurisdiction readiness for HHS distributed supply.

  • Identify an adequate network of providers to ensure equitable expansion across populations at high risk for infection:
    • Identify providers and facilitate their participation, especially providers who can fill a geographic or underrepresented population gap in access.
    • Include clinical venues that serve people who have historically had less access to primary care, for example sexual health or STD clinics, LGBTQ+ health clinics, and pharmacies.
    • Identify and facilitate enrollment of providers who frequently care for individuals with disabilities or special healthcare needs (e.g., HIV+).
    • Identify and facilitate enrollment of providers who frequently care for individuals with disabilities or special healthcare needs (e.g., HIV+).
    • Reach out to tribal nations within the respective areas for involvement in planning efforts.​​
  • Prepare identified providers to receive JYNNEOS vaccine:
    • Develop a plan to identify if or when additional sites may be needed, especially during the initial weeks of the vaccination program when demand may be high.
    • Disseminate training and communication materials to healthcare providers (e.g., fact sheets, online videos).
    • Remind enrolled providers to prepare scheduling systems and bolster capacity for their call center and website, as needed, to handle additional volume.
    • Ensure second doses are requested in a timely manner in order to complete the two-dose series of JYNNEOS.
    • Ensure providers or other on-location staff are equipped and trained to respond to possible severe allergic reactions.
    • Jurisdictions should onboard delivery locations to align with expanded distribution capacity.
  • Maintain unused vaccine doses at appropriate temperatures to maximize storage life.
  • Reinforce providers are required to report certain adverse events following vaccination to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
    • Healthcare providers are required by law to report to VAERS:
      • Any adverse event listed in the VAERS Table of Reportable Events Following Vaccination that occurs within the specified time period after vaccinations.
      • An adverse event listed by the vaccine manufacturer as a contraindication to further doses of the vaccine 
      • Adverse events following administration of JYNNEOS as specified in the Emergency Use Authorization​ here, as well as the HHS Provider Agreement as listed
      • Vaccine administration errors, whether or not associated with an adverse event
    • Healthcare providers are strongly encouraged to report to VAERS:
      • Any additional clinically significant adverse event that occurs after the administration of a vaccine, whether it is or is not clear that a vaccine caused the adverse event.
  • Routinely evaluate the adequacy of the provider network, identifying gaps and whether additional vaccination locations (e.g., local public health departments, Federally Qualified Healthcare Centers [FQHCs], other program clinics such as STD/HIV clinics) may be needed to further increase equitable access and ensure vaccine equity.