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ASPR/CDC Mpox Vaccination Operational Planning Guide - HHS Mpox Vaccination Program

Information for Vaccination of Persons at High Risk for Infection

Updated June 30, 2024

Revisions include updates as of June 30, 2024 on availability of JYNNEOS mpox vaccine through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and commercial channels.

Jynneos vaccine

On April 1, 2024, Bavarian Nordic commercially launched their JYNNEOS vaccine. During the period immediately following commercialization, HHS has continued to make JYNNEOS vaccine available as needed. The HHS-provided JYNNEOS is intended only as a supplemental supply while commercial availability ramps up, to support access in circumstances in which commercial product is not yet accessible. 

​​This operational planning guide is provided to aid state, tribal, local, and territorial health officials in their planning and response efforts. Please note that new information regarding the commercial launch of JYNNEOS vaccine in the management of mpox (formerly monkeypox) by Bavarian Nordic and gradual transition away from U.S. government (USG) HHS JYNNEOS distribution has been added throughout the document. Additional updates have been made for clarity and consistency. 

On June 28, 2022, HHS announced an enhanced nationwide vaccination strategy to mitigate the spread of mpox. That strategy described vaccination for people who are at risk for mpox infection. Under this strategy, agencies of HHS, including Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR), U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) collaborated to rapidly expand access to hundreds of thousands of doses of the JYNNEOS vaccine from the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) for prophylactic use against mpox. These efforts have allowed HHS to distribute vaccines more quickly and equitably to jurisdictions across the country. 

HHS declared mpox a public health emergency (PHE) on August 4, 2022. The PHE declaration brought expanded authorities that facilitated a more robust HHS response to the spreading mpox outbreak. Although the PHE expired on January 31, 2023, HHS remains committed to ensuring JYNNEOS vaccine is available to people in the U.S. who may be exposed, or at risk for exposure, to mpox in order to prevent or minimize a resurgence in domestic mpox cases, including during the transition of JYNNEOS to the commercial market. 

This guidance document will continue to be updated as additional information becomes available.

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