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Provider Agreement

ASPR/CDC Mpox Vaccination Operational Planning Guide - HHS Mpox Vaccination Program​

All entities receiving mpox vaccine doses distributed by HHS, including entities that receive mpox vaccine directly and local sites where vaccines are redistributed are subject to compliance with the requirements of the HHS Mpox Vaccination Program Provider Agreement for the HHS Mpox Vaccine Program. ​

Applicability of Provider Agreements to HPOP-ordering Entities When Also Acting as a Vaccinator

All entities that receive mpox vaccine doses directly from the SNS through an HPOP order that intend to directly administer any of those doses as a vaccinating provider are subject to compliance with the requirements of the Provider Agreement for the HHS Mpox Vaccination Program. Upon any use of the JYNNEOS vaccine provided at no cost by the U.S. government, the provider and provider’s organization will have agreed to comply with the requirements of the Provider Agreement, including any updates.​