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Distribution Background​

ASPR/CDC Mpox Vaccination Operational Planning Guide - HHS Mpox Vaccination Program

A digital ordering portal, the Health Partner Ordering Portal (HPOP), was implemented on August 1, 2022, to enable jurisdictions to place orders, track distribution, and coordinate distribution for the federal supply of JYNNEOS.

HPOP training was available from ASPR. Invitations for HPOP training were sent to immunization program managers, PHEP directors, registered users, ASPR RECS and users registered by the jurisdictions. 

To date, HHS has made approximately 1.1 million vials of JYNNEOS available to 63 jurisdictions and multiple federal entity partners, and more than 835,000 vials have been ordered. ​

Table caption: Total includes vials distributed to jurisdictions to date and does not include distributions made to federal entity partner or for special events.
Vials allocated to
June 2022 56,000 SC
July 2022 144,000 SC Completed
July/August 2022
ID or SC Completed
August 2022
ID or SC Completed
April 30, 2024
(out-of-cycle requests only)
SC or ID Transition away from HHS distribution to commercial supply
Total =  943,856 vials    

  • ​FDA authorized the JYNNEOS vaccine under an EUA on August 9, 2022. This change occurred during phase 3 and allowed for administration via the ID route in addition to SC. Accounting for the change in route, ASPR estimates approximately 313,500 SC-only doses were distributed during Phase Tranche 3a and up to 5 ID doses per vial during Tranches 3b and 3c.
  • Jurisdictions were required to sign a data use agreement, or DUA, prior to placing Phase 3 orders and should continue inputting their aggregate inventory and administration counts in HPOP for HHS distributed supply until all delivered inventory is reconciled.
  • HHS transitioned from phased allocations to a jurisdictional threshold approach similar to threshold approaches used for COVID-19 vaccines and TPOXX distribution.
  • The threshold calculation was based on each jurisdiction’s estimated percentage of the nation’s population for whom JYNNEOS vaccination was currently recommended. For example, if 5% of the recommended population lived in a particular jurisdiction, that jurisdiction’s threshold was 5% of the total number of vials available under the threshold.